On the Death of Magic
How long has it been since magic flowed freely through our world, making wonders and miracles beyond Human comprehension possible? Strange creatures roamed wherever they wished, beautiful and terrible. Some magicians provided aid to those who needed it, while others used their abilities to selfishly gain power… and still others used theirs for profit.

The Primordial Deities
March 12, 1762 - Concerning the Gods pt. 4
The Primordial Deities.
The last, and the first.
Tadurin and Hades were the first of their kind to come into existence, so perhaps it is only fitting that we end with them.

On Vampires
By Aleeah Cross
I was recently sent this article by a friend. It was published in The Journal of Empire History late last year, and he thought it would amuse me. It does not.
When you think of the greatest threats our beloved Empire has had to deal with in the last a thousand years, what do you think of?

The Distant Trinity
The “Distant” Trinity.
Named such because of their association with celestial bodies and the fact that, to be quite frank, they do far less meddling than many of the other gods. In theory, at least. I personally find it far more likely they are just better at covering their tracks.

Festival of Night Recipes
Halloween is tomorrow! My favorite holiday!
To celebrate, I thought I’d share two recipes that are mentioned in Lost Blades for the Festival of Night (essentially, Romanii’s Halloween).

Elemental Deities
Hm. Is that the best place to start?
It has to be. What else would you start with when talking about gods? They are magic.
So then. Magic.
We’ll start with the basic elements, I suppose.

What is Magic?
Magic is life.
Life, and a will. The ability to affect and change the world around us. Even those who do not have what we consider to be magic ability are, technically, magical; they just lack the more dramatic application of their will that “magical” people are capable of. The terminology we use is quite imprecise, but this is a digression.

What is an Avari?
It happens every time. “Oh, you’re writing a fantasy book! Are there, like, elves and dwarves in it?”
“Well, I do have a bunch of fantasy races, but not the standard ones. My main character is an Avari.”
“What’s an Avari?”
And, to be fair, it is a valid question. Since I made Avari up, and all that.

The World of Gaia
In 2010, I had an idea for a story. So, of course, the first thing I created for it was a map.
I’d been playing Dungeons and Dragons for, oh, maybe a decade at that point? And while I had only been a Dungeon Master once or twice, I was fond of all the world building that creating your own campaign world entailed. And I love maps!