The Primordial Deities
March 12, 1762
Concerning the Gods pt. 4
The Primordial Deities.
The last, and the first.
Tadurin and Hades were the first of their kind to come into existence, so perhaps it is only fitting that we end with them. Life cannot exist without Tadurin; thus, he is the elder. But in the chaos and violence of the explosion of that first burst of life, death followed swiftly – resulting in Hades just moments after. Despite that, they are not what one could consider… “close.”
Mark of Tadurin
The Creator, the Lord of Light, the Giver of Life. His domains are life, creation, and chaos. He is also associated with the flow of time. Life and creation uncontrolled are chaotic, unpredictable, and often dangerous. Tadurin is an absentee god, and seems to prefer mostly ignoring his creations, allowing them to do as they please. Still, sometimes something interesting catches his attention, and in those cases events are likely to become even more chaotic. Luckily, those instances are few and far between.
Many cities have at least one temple in his name, but Tadurin’s general disinterest in the living and his eccentric and chaotic behavior does not draw many to his priesthood. Especially in recent times, applicants have been low, and several of his churches have been forced to close. Offerings can be seeds, white wine, fresh fruit (especially apples and pomegranates), spices, laurel or oak leaves, bark, opals, sand, a lock of hair, nectar, or a shed snake skin – whatever it is, the collection of it cannot have resulted in death. He is worshiped fairly casually, as without him we would not exist, but – again, due to his distance – he does not make himself popular. Still, those who are ill will often pray to him, as will people hoping to become parents.
The continent of Taduren is named after him. The cold, icy continent to the north is home to the Ivril, a strange, fey species that I’m not entirely certain are all one species, or multiple under one banner. They are old, though. Older than the cataclysm.
It’s strange. One would think the creator god would be more popular. But his current reputation is completely the result of his own actions.
Mark of Hades
The Dark Lady, the Silent Goddess, the Great Healer.
Or to those of us who call ourselves Hers, simply the Lady.
Though most people only associate Her with death and destruction, Her domains include healing, rebirth, protection, and order. In fact, when all other healers have failed, it is She who eases the suffering of mortals as the Great Healer. Perhaps not the kind of healing most people imagine, but healing nonetheless. Interestingly, while Tadurin is explicitly associated with time, both he and Hades technically share the domain. The Lady, however, usually chooses not to express that part of Her being, allowing Her elder sibling full control. Still, imagery of both are often found on clocks.
She has but one temple to Her name – the Temple of Night Rising in Tarvishte, built years after Vlad established Romanii in tribute to his mother. Jak was certainly not pushing for any particular religious… anything, and so the Temple was maintained primarily by the Vampires for a long time. There are currently eight priests in service to Her, with a further three – Timon, Geshen, and Eris – having chosen eternal rest over the millennia. I tend to the temple by myself, these days, though rooms are kept ready for the others. Worship of Her is generally a very private thing; though those in Romanii recognize Her as their patron goddess, small private shrines are more commonly utilized than the temple. Outside of Romanii, She is far more likely to be feared, and any worship is meant to appease Her into staying away.
Offerings include dead or withered flowers, crystals, burnt offal, incense, bones, a few drops of blood, amethysts, cypress oil, stories, loaves of burnt bread, and salt. Despite popular rumors, the Lady does NOT approve of any sort of living sacrifice, virgin or other. That is, in fact, the fastest way to draw Her ire.
The continent of Haden is named for Her, which I suppose is appropriate from a certain point of view, as it is a cold, desolate, lifeless place.
Her siblings fear Her. She represents the end, an end that even they cannot escape, and they do not wish to be reminded that such a thing as possible. Only one pursues Her, but that is… not exactly a healthy relationship, either. And so the Lady is also the loneliest of Her siblings.
She cares so much more about the living than Her siblings, and She is worshiped so much less.
Life is not fair, so death has to be.
-Ander 3/12/62
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