Lost Blades
Blades of the Goddess Book 1
As the world ends once more, the goddess chooses who she
will wield against Abomination
In Lyndiniam: A street thief attempts a heist far more ambitious than anything he has done before, but due to circumstances outside his control, finds himself locked up for crimes he both did and did not commit. A strange woman with abilities Jamirh does not understand breaks him out, and he finds himself on the run - fleeing to Romanii, a country he thought no longer existed.
In Ni Fon: A shinobi is banished by the Empress for killing her daughter and his fiancée, Princess Hotaru. This is a ploy, however - Takeshi is still working for Ni Fon despite the murder, trying to learn information about a rebellion against the Rose Empire that Ni Fon will be able to leverage to regain their own freedom.
Though thousands of miles apart, both Jamirh and Takeshi find themselves pulled into an ancient struggle between forces far beyond anything they have ever dreamed of, whether they want to be or not.
Short Excerpt:
“What did you do?” Jamirh asked suddenly. “I had a concussion, but now I feel much better, and that doesn’t seem possible unless you did something. What?”
She smiled and shrugged. “Oh, that. Magic.”
He stared at her. “Magic doesn’t exist,” he reminded her slowly, wondering at the same time why he was even bothering.
“Do your concussions often heal themselves?” she asked curiously.
“What? No–”
She cut him off with a happy grin. “Of course not! Concussions don’t do that. So the answer is obviously magic. Unless you have a better explanation?”
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September 12, 2023

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Chapters 1-2