Inherent Magic

Magic is life.

Because magic is life, it sometimes manifests itself in interesting ways, causing individuals to have various abilities of a non-mundane nature. Individual abilities are often more common in specific races or along family lines, but sometimes magic hiccups, leading to abilities showing up in places one wouldn't expect. Some abilities are passive, some are active.

Cost of Magic and Limitations

All magic is still magic. Inherent magics still use the host's inner core of magic, but tend to pull far less power than learned magic casting. Most people with inherent magics can use their ability freely without worry of draining themselves.

Having one ability is most common, but a small number of people might have two or three. Only one may be an active type; any others would be passive.

Example Types of Inherents

A non-exhaustive list.


Also called Voice magic, some people can manipulate their voices in such a way to allow them to cast learned magic.

Beast Master

Has a way with animals; associated with the Lowkeef.


Can start fires at will. The entirety of the Aradian race are Embers, and thus do not refer to themselves as such, but members of other races who show the ability are called such.


Can feel the emotions of others. Particularly strong empaths can also affect the emotions of others. This is common in small amounts.


Their scream can kill.


Can affect and move plant life that is close by.


Also known as foreseers, they can see the future.


Have the ability to tell instantly if someone is lying. Hades also has this ability, sometimes leading people to assume her priests are Griffons.

Master of Blades

Can pick up combat styles while fighting against them. Most common among the Aradians, but Ebryn and Jamirh are other famous Blade Masters.


Medusas can move their hair freely, looking like ropes or snakes. Most grow their hair extremely long to make the most of this ability. Their hair also has a mind of its own, able to move itself.


Can breathe water. Contrary to popular belief, the Veren are not Mer - they have gills.


Capable of calling down devastating firestorms and rising from the ashes.

Shadow Dancer

Has the ability to manipulate and move through shadows. Most commonly associated with Vampires.


Can change their shape. Some shapeshifters can only shift into one or two forms, others many.


Can use their voice to manipulate others into doing what they want.