The Rose Empire
On How the Rose Bloomed into an Empire
by Aleeah Cross
Oh, how far has our nation come in the last thousand years! From the tiny kingdom of Agale to our now-great Empire, we stand as testament to how much can change over a millennium. And the world is all the better for it! This is but a few of the major events that have led us to today.
The End of the Demontide War
More commonly referred to as the War of the Rose in 1013 A.G., this was the final clash between Queen Saran and the demons summoned by the sorcerer most foul. It was a different time, when magic and gods were still within reach of mere mortals — can you imagine what that battle must have been like? Demons spilling over the wall of Lyndiniam, barely kept at bay by the sword and sorcery of Saran’s loyal soldiers and the Rose Alliance, while Ebryn Stormlight himself fought Daemorn Kavon in his corrupt tower?
Oh, how I grieve that the Crystal Light Blade is lost to us. I would have liked to see the relic for myself.
But indeed did Ebryn Stormlight succeed in putting the sorcerer down, saving the city and its Queen. And though the Great Hero did himself disappear shortly after the conflict, the repercussions of the battle would last far into the future.
The Rose Alliance — consisting of Gallia, Hispa, Elbe, and Agale — decided to unite under Queen Saran’s divinely affirmed rule, and became the Rose Empire. Saran became the first Empress. She ruled long and well, setting up many of the systems that we take for granted today, such as our mandatory education system and public healthcare. An innovator at heart, the Empress encouraged her citizens to find better ways to do things, a mandate the Empire follows to this very day. We must always seek to be better, faster, more efficient, for that is how the world progresses, and we are proud to lead.
Espon in 1006 AG
House Rhosyn is Succeeded by House Didor
There’s been much to-do about how the Empire came to be ruled by Humans when Saran was Avari, but it really is quite simple. Saran’s descendants of House Rhosyn ruled for the next three hundred years, at which time the young princess Eleri married a Human, Lord Afton of House Didor (note: it was not uncommon in those days for Avari to marry Humans). House Rhosyn was much depleted at the time, and when Eleri died without producing a heir shortly after her coronation as Queen, House Didor became the ruling power in the Empire. Emperor Afton married a Human duchess for his second wife (and indeed began the tradition of the Emperor or Empress choosing a spouse from among the Great Houses), and there you have it. House Didor has remained the ruling family right up to our own beloved Emperor Beren, supported by the dukes and duchesses of the provinces.
The Loss of Hispa and Welcoming Cartago-Mir into the Fold
It was not long after that Hipa merged with Gallia into one province. Hispa’s elderly duke, seeing that he was to die without heirs, wrote into his will that his province should go to his good friend, the duchess of Gallia. Despite the vile rumors that occasionally get tossed around, there was no foul play — merely one friend ensuring the province he loved would be well cared for by another.
Shortly after, Carthage and Misr decided to join our great Empire, and the Treaty of 1374 was signed adding Cartago-Mir as the fourth province, replacing Hispa.
A few other cosmetic changes were made to the map around this time.
Unfortunately, it was at this time the number of mages began to decline world-wide, and magic began to fade from Gaia.
Unification Continues
The following couple hundred years saw further growth for the Empire as other states petitioned to join. Rus was adopted into Elbe in 1435, and Lenlija in 1473. After an unfortunate number of incidents involving multiple terrorist attacks and a plea for aid from the common citizens when their government failed to do anything about them, Al-Ghars was brought into Cartago-Mir. This required just a little amount of force, as the ruling family at the time decided to resist the will of its people, but I am pleased to say that in 1482 the acquisition was completed.
In 1510, the traders of the Nyphoren Islands, which were mostly abandoned by the Veren by that time, also applied to join the Empire and were welcomed with open arms.
Espon in 1482 AG
The Raising of the Wall
Grievously, the following years proved quite difficult for the Gini living in the northern mountains of Thracia, as they were struck by a terrible plague. The Empire tried to send aid, but this was difficult as it required crossing the Wastelands — a breeding ground for vicious Vampires that had been a thorn (no pun intended) in the Rose Empire’s side for centuries. In the end, however, all was for naught, and the Gini were all but wiped out. In an attempt to keep this virulent plague from spreading further south, the Empire made a desperate play — the last of its mages used the last of their power to help build the Warcross Wall, a northern border that protects us to this very day and prevents any remnants of the disease from spreading to our beloved citizens.
And if it also keeps out the Vampires, all the better.
Emerald Shore and Ni Fon
Shortly after the Wall’s construction in 1564, Witeliu merged with the province of Elbe. Though the Empire was saddened by the loss of magic, we looked to Empress Saran’s mandate to innovate and invent, and discovered many ways to do that which had been lost. It was because of our desire to create and find new methods that tech as we have come to know it today began to be invested in by the royal family, and why out of all the countries of the world we have fared the best in the wake of magic’s disappearance.
In the 1700s we brought this new way of thinking to the eastern shores of Tapuya, and established the Emerald Shore province there in 1748. Our Truth Seekers were developed as a means of keeping our people safe in this new world shortly after.
In 1880, Ni Fon joined the Empire, bringing us to our current seven provinces. A curious people themselves, and still reeling from the loss of magic in the world, they desired to share and benefit from our innovations. There are multiple accounts of how impressed they were with our Truth Seekers, and one of their princesses had fallen in love with Emperor Cenric. Their marriage brought great joy to all, and cemented Ni Fon’s place in the Empire. With our aid, they were able to push their borders west, and claim some of the fertile ground of the Kaldon continent.
The Rose Empire after 1880 AG.
Current Standing
And so here is how our Great Empire fares today:
Agale: The heart of the Empire, where the seed was planted by Queen Saran so very long ago. It is the home of Emperor Beren and the seat of his power rests in its capital of Lyndiniam. It is also the home to Duke Stefan Belian, who is never far from his beloved Emperor.
Gallia: A founding member of the Empire, governed by Duchess Cecile Leblanc. Known for its amazing foods and produce, you should do your best to try anything you come across if you are traveling in Gallia — you won’t regret it.
Elbe: The remaining founding member, governed by Duchess Mila Holzer, the youngest of the current dukes at twenty-three years old. Elbe has long been our center for learning, housing many universities and producing many of our greatest thinkers.
Carthago-Mir: Now extending all the way to the mountains south of the Great Desert, this province is governed by Duke Latif Hisham. Though it is mostly desert, some amazing craftsmanship comes from Carthago-Mir. I myself own a vase that I cherish from here.
The Nyphoren Islands: A wondrous hub of trade and some of our greatest innovations, the Nyphoren Islands are governed by Duke Johen Cade. Unfortunately, the Veren almost never come to the surface anymore.
Emerald Shore: Perhaps the most free-spirited province, Duchess Tyra Strom has worked to improve relations with the native Braar, who still live in the jungles of Tapuya to the west.
Ni Fon: Our most recent acquisition, Ni Fon is governed by Duchess Kobayashi Rikona, a descendant of their former rulers. Ni Fon has been making great strides in modern-day tech.
Even now do we try to share our knowledge with the other countries of the world. We do not wish to horde it! Perhaps we will be able to bring scientific advancement to Dalmara soon, or Zhong Guo, or maybe even the Lowkeef in the Forbidden to the south. Noror has recently entered talks to become a member — I have high hopes that an agreement might be reached soon!
Though the gods and magic may well be gone from Gaia, I still pray that the blooms of knowledge might be scattered to all the corners of the world, and blanket it as one great garden, tended by our beloved Emperor, long may he reign.
- Aleeah Cross