Q3 Update
Good news, everyone!
Second quarter was just as busy, if not more so, than quarter one. I got a new job, which has naturally been cutting into my time, but I still got a whole boatload of stuff done! Here’s where we’re at.
Lost Blades is in the final stage — proofreading! It’s almost in its final form, and I am beyond excited about that. It’s also been sent into audio production. Preorders will be available July 20, and I am confident in my September 12 release date!
I’ve also (finally) finished revisions on Broken Blades! It was not done in April as I’d hoped, but my schedule is still on track. Revisions are probably the most labor intensive part besides draft number one, so finishing them is a huge relief. It’s scheduled for its copy edit mid July.
Not as much writing happened this quarter, but I did end up writing “Green”, Ander’s short story that will be published in Colors of Magic. It ended up being much, much longer than I expected (around 17,000 words instead of 6,000), but it’s gotten positive feedback from beta readers. Maybe I’ll share some teasers for that in the near future?
I’ve also started writing “Silver”, Jamirh’s short story for Colors of Magic.
I do need to finish the first draft of Blades Reforged this quarter coming up, so that will be a priority for me as soon as I finish “Silver”! It’s going to be so exciting to finally have the conclusion to the trilogy!
I did also create a glossary for Lost Blades. The glossary will only be included in the hardcover version, but anyone who preorders will receive a digital version.
All of my swag for Lost Blades came in! You can check out this blog post for more information.
Probably the MOST EXCITING piece of news from this quarter is that I got proof copies of the paperback version of Lost Blades in! It’s beautiful and I love it. Holding it makes me happy. I have named him Greg.
I’m still waiting on the hardcover proof, but I am beyond excited for that one. It has a dust jacket!
I’ve been posting a ton of fun teasers in my FaceBook reader group. Feel free to join; we’d love to have you!
I’ve also started a short comic that will come out quarterly as part of my newsletter. It’s called “No Words, Only Wargs”, and features the wargs of Tarvishte “helping” the two-feet “solve problems”.
Preorder news
As noted earlier, the preorder for Lost Blades WILL go live on July 20! Here's all the info on what that will entail.
What formats will be available?
Where can I buy it?
Directly from me on my website! (Link will be live closer to the date of preorder) There are some benefits to this: physical copies bought directly from me will be signed, the audiobook is much cheaper on my website than it will be on other retailers, and you can buy bundles to save money as well (like buying the eBook and audiobook together). Buying physical copies directly from me also means you qualify for physical preorder bonuses (more info below). It also means you are supporting me directly; thank you!
All major retailers! Lost Blades will be available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Google Play Books, Kobo, etc.
Note: The audiobook will only be available for preorder on my website, though when the book goes live on September 12 you will be able to buy it from Audible and other retailers.
How much will it cost?
Paperback: $14.99
Hardcover: $21.99
eBook: $3.99
Audiobook: $15.99 from my website; closer to $23.99 on Audible and other retailers (I don't set the price on Audible, and they need my final files to determine the final price).
Preorder bonuses?
These will come in two types: Physical and Digital.
Digital preorder bonuses will be available to anyone who buys my book in any format from any source - BUT you will need to go to my website and fill out this google form to claim your bonus material, since the retailers do not pass along your information to me. Digital preorder bonuses will be available right after you fill out the form and attach a picture of your receipt. The digital preorder bonuses are:
A digital download of the first 8 chapters of Lost Blades
Hi-res maps
Digital wallpapers for your phone and desktop
Build an array digital kit (includes a font for your computer and instructions on how the arrays are formed)
A PDF of the glossary
Physical preorder bonuses are only available if you purchase a physical copy of the book (either hardcover or paperback) through my website. Physical preorder bonuses will ship WITH YOUR BOOK on September 12. They are:
A bookmark of your choice (either the red or blue design)
A set of four 2.5" character stickers
Two full-color postcards with the maps printed on them (and a bonus map!)
Anything else fun?
You will be able to buy additional bookmarks from my site for $1.99 each
You can buy additional sticker packs from my site for $4.99 each
When do I get the goods?
Lost Blades will release on September 12, 2023 (a Tuesday). Digital purchases will be available shortly after midnight, emailed to you by the retailer you purchased from. Physical preorders will ship on September 12.
If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to send me an email at liz@lizsauco.com!
We are getting so much closer to Lost Blades’ release date! It’s just over two months away! Are you as excited as I am?