Field Notes - Snawfus
Jesst Jachorien, intrepid biologist and explorer who travels the world cataloging dangerous and mysterious fauna from around the world of Gaia, returns with a new field notes entry — the snawfus!
Snawfus - Forest Guardian. Flowers bud, bloom, and wilt with the seasons. The flowers found on a snawfus vary greatly, with no rhyme or reason. Each specimen appears truly unique.
The snawfus hasn’t appeared in any of the books yet, but did earn a mention in one of Aleeah’s essays! She incorrectly identified it as a variety of undead, though in his annotations Marcus noted she was actually describing an iaiunanimus, and that a snawfus is a “gentle, deer-like creature”.
They are native to Espon, but extremely shy — catching sight of one is extremely rare!
This guest blog was put together by Jessy Jacobs, the writer for the Cryptid Cases podcast and member of Little Giant Monsters! The Cryptid Cases is an audio drama that tells the story of Mia Miller and Lucas Campbell, old college friends who reunite after the disappearance of Mia's grandfather. Join Mia and Lucas as they explore the world of monsters and myth in America — Season 4 has recently concluded!